Monday, June 22, 2015

Insert clever title here

I'm drained. I'm so tired. I just don't have anything left.

I wake up at 4:30 to go to the gym, and work really hard while I'm there. I get ridiculously sweaty and gross, and so tired that I can barely stagger back to my car and come home. I don't mind the workouts once I'm there, and I know I'm doing good things for my body by taking the time to move it. I just wish it were doing more for me on the scale right now.

Granted, my eating sucks. I cannot pull together a plan to save my life. Do I want to count points, or do I just want to eat off the Simply Filling list? Why in the world is it so hard to pack lunches? Why can I not just say no to desserts and sweets? It's maddening, and I'm reminded of Paul again in the Bible. "I don't do the things I want to do, but the things I don't want to do, I do." Pissed off, frustrated, cranky and tired are just the tip of the iceberg tonight. 

I'll be back soon with a new plan in place, but for now, just going to bed in the hopes that I'll be able to pull this thing back together soon! 


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